Error: "Deny streaming request"

Error: "Deny streaming request because of mismatched secret token" or "Deny streaming request from unknown device"

If you receive these errors displayed on the camera screen of the streaming device, that means another device is trying to view the camera livestream of this device but cannot because the access is denied. Each device has a unique password / secret token, which is random generated on-device and is used to authenticate the streaming request. Only registered devices listed in the Devices screen can view the camera livestream. All devices signed in with the same iCloud account will automatically be registered and listed in the Devices screen.

You may have a same device listed twice in the Devices screen. This can happen if you delete the AiCam app and reinstall it. Then the old duplicated entry (device) will not be able to view the streaming. Please go to Devices screen and delete the duplicated device.

You may want to compare the device ID (after the # icon in the Devices screen) on both the viewer and camera devices. A same physical device should have the same ID.

See this FAQ to learn more how secure is livestreaming.